July 8, 2010

Instyle Magazine Women of Style Awards

I am proud to announce that in April I was nominated by Instyle Magazine for their Audi Woman of Style Awards 2010. I was amazed at the calibre of women involved, and very excited to be involved.

Instyle magazine nominates Australian women in various categories, ranging from media to fashion, to environment and business. You can view the magazine's link here..

Here is a list of winners and nominees of each category

News/Entertainment: Nicole Kidman Shortlisted: Claudia Karvan and Jessica Rowe

Fashion: Kirrily Johnston Shortlisted: Heidi Middleton & Sarah-Jane Clarke, Sass & Bide; and Nicky & Simone Zimmermann

Charity/Community: Deborah-lee Furness Shortlisted: Rachel Ward and Catherine Freeman

Business: Naomi Simson (RedBalloon) Shortlisted: Elle Macpherson and Kristina Karlsson

Design: Melinda Dodson Shortlisted: Caroline Casey and Alena Smith

Arts/Culture: Joint: Del Kathryn Barton and Deborah Mailman Shortlisted: Dr Anita Heiss

Lifestyle: Chui Lee Luk (Claudes) Shortlisted: Saskia Beer and Terri Winter

Beauty: Sharon McGlinchey Shortlisted: Shelley Barrett and Mandy Gray

Environment: Dr Tammie Matson Shortlisted: Cate Faehrmann and Sidonie Carpenter

Thanks Instyle for the nomination and incredibly glamorous evening!

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